Sign Up by Thursday 4/30 to be an Election Judge

Vote_ballot_box_cube.jpgElection judges are paid officials who staff local polling places, absentee ballot boards, and all early voting venues, to ensure that the ballots and rights of voters are protected.

It is more important than ever for Republicans to become election judges.  If we care about election integrity, we need to step-up, get trained, and show up on Election Day.  We're told that there is now sometimes flexibility to work a half-day, so if that's been a barrier for you in the past please consider working as an Election Judge.

MN GOP is asking for a final push to gather names of those willing to serve as Election Judges.  The "Election Protection" tab from the top of the MN GOP website takes you to a form to register your interest. 

Becky Alery, Executive Director, Republican Party of Minnesota assures us that your name entered on this page will be consolidated and included in the MN GOP list of Election Judges, which is due to the Secretary of State May 1.   So, if you are willing to serve as an Election Judge please CLICK HERE.