Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee Bylaws



Section 1. NAME - This organization shall be called the Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee (“Full Committee”).

Section 2. PURPOSE - The purposes of the Full Committee shall be:

A.   To create and maintain an effective and permanent Senate District 50 organization based on political precincts and to maintain and keep current and accurate records of voters in and financial contributors to Senate District 50.

B.   To help coordinate and assist in the conduct of campaigns for the election of Republican candidates for public office including those who have been endorsed or selected at a primary election.

C.   To further aid the cause of good government in whatever manner shall be deemed advisable and to advance such principles or projects as may from time to time be adopted by Party conventions and caucuses.

Section 3. TERRITORIAL JURISDICTION - The jurisdiction of the Full Committee shall be limited to the geographical area within the boundaries of Senate District 50 as determined by Minnesota law in accordance with the 2020 census.

Section 4. DUTIES - It shall be the duty of the Full Committee:

A.   To organize, or cause to be organized, the Senate District and each precinct or other voting unit within the Senate District.

B.   To help coordinate the campaigns of and to elect Republican-endorsed candidates for the offices of State Senator and State Representative from the Senate District and for such other public offices as are elected, in whole or in part, by residents of the Senate

Section 5. GOVERNING AUTHORITIES - The Full Committee shall perform the duties imposed on or reserved to it by (1) law, (2) the Constitution and Bylaws of the Republican Party of Minnesota, (3) the Third Congressional District Constitution and Bylaws, and (4) its own Bylaws as set forth herein.

Section 6. RULES OF ORDER  - Except as otherwise provided, the deliberations of the Full Committee shall be governed by the then-current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order.




A.   No person shall be a member of the Full Committee who does not reside in Senate District 50.

Any person holding more than one of the offices below shall have only one vote on the Full Committee.

Section 2. MEMBERSHIP - The Senate District 50 Republican Full Committee shall consist of the following persons, subject to Section 1, all of whom shall be voting members.

A.   The Senate District Officers (Article III, Section 1).

B.   The members   of   the   Senate   District   Executive   Committee   (“Executive Committee”), as defined in Article IV, Section 1.

C.   The Chairs (maximum of two) of each Precinct within the Senate District (Article V, Section 3).

D.   Any endorsed Republican holding elected office.

E.   The members of the Republican State and Third and Fifth Congressional District Executive Committee.

F.   The immediate past Co-Chairs of the Senate District.

G.   Up to three additional members nominated by the Senate District Co-Chairs and elected by the Full Committee whose terms shall be concurrent with the officers who nominated them.

Section 3. MEETINGS - The Full Committee shall hold a minimum of four meetings per year.  No more than one regular meeting shall be held in any calendar Written notice of each meeting shall be mailed/emailed at least ten days prior thereto.

Section 4.  QUORUM

A.   The quorum required to transact business at Senate District Full Committee meetings shall be one-fourth of the total current membership of the Full Committee.

B.   Once a quorum has been established, a call for a quorum shall be out of order and business may be transacted as if a quorum still existed until the meeting is adjourned.  


A.   Membership on the Full Committee shall terminate without further action when a member submits a written resignation or ceases to qualify for membership under Sections 1 or 2 of this Article II.

B.   A member of the Full Committee may be removed for inactivity or conduct tending to obstruct the objectives of the Full Committee by a two-thirds vote of all the Full Committee members attending any Full Committee meeting where that item of business has been included in the written notice of the meeting.

C.   The Executive Committee shall give notice of every proposal for removal of a Full Committee member in accordance with paragraph B hereof in the written notice of the Full Committee meeting.  The individual concerned shall be provided with a statement of the charges, not less than ten days prior to such meeting, and shall be entitled to be heard in his/her own defense at the meeting considering his/her removal.

D.   The Senate District Co-Chairs shall be the designated spokespersons for the Senate District.  No other member of the Full Committee shall be authorized publicly to express views or speak on behalf of the Full Committee or the Executive Committee on any matter unless such committee has considered and taken action on the merits of such matter and has not restricted its dissemination.



Section 1. SENATE DISTRICT 50 OFFICERS - There shall be:

A.   Two Co-Chairpersons (referred to herein as “Senate District Co-Chairs” or “Co-Chairs” herein).

B.   Ten Vice-Chairs: four elected from House District A, four elected from House District B and 2 elected from either House District.

C.   One Secretary.

D.   One Treasurer.

E.   One Chair of Communications.

Section 2. ELECTION AND TERM LIMITS - The Senate District officers shall be elected at Senate District conventions held in odd-numbered years.  When the results of redistricting become effective in an even-numbered year, a special election shall be held at the first Senate District Convention after redistricting to elect officers to serve until the time of the next regular odd-year Convention.  All officers shall be limited to a maximum of three consecutive full terms in the same office.  However, officers elected at the special election shall not be considered to have served a “full term” for the purpose of setting officer term limits.  Any officer who has served their respective three consecutive full terms is eligible to run at the last regular election prior to redistricting for the shortened term ended by redistricting.

Section 3. OFFICER NOMINATING COMMITTEE - The Senate District Nominating Committee for Senate District Officers and State Central Committee Delegates and Alternates (referred to herein as the “Officer Nominating Committee”) shall be appointed by the Senate District Executive Committee at least sixty days prior to the Senate District convention held in odd-numbered years.  The Senate District Co-Chairs shall be ex officio, non-voting members of the Nominating Committee.  Voting membership of the Nominating Committee shall consist of:

A.   Four precinct Chairs from House District 50A.

B.   Four precinct Chairs from House District 50B.

C.   Plus, one person from either House District to serve as Committee Chair.

Section 4.   LIMITATIONS

A.   Senate District Officers shall be deemed to have resigned from party office upon publicly seeking Republican endorsement, which shall include the legal formation of a volunteer committee.

B.   The Senate District Co-Chairs, pre-endorsement, shall not serve in any role in any candidate’s campaign, and shall not serve in any active leadership role, post-endorsement, in any candidate’s campaign.

C.   Elected Senate District Officers, other than the Co-Chairs, as set forth in Article III, Section 4, B, above, shall not serve in an active leadership role in any candidate’s campaign without first obtaining the consent of two-thirds of the Executive Committee.

D.   Senate District Officers shall not publicly support nor work for any candidate opposing an endorsed Republican candidate between the endorsing convention and the ensuing election.  The Executive Committee may remove from party office any person who violates this paragraph and does not promptly resign.


A.   A Senate District Officer may be removed from office for “non-performance” by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the number of Full Committee members present when a quorum was established at any Full Committee meeting where that item of business has been included in the written notice of the meeting.  Conduct tending to obstruct the objectives of the Executive Committee, inactivity, or unexcused absence from three regularly scheduled Executive Committee meetings   within   one   calendar   year   shall   constitute   “non-performance.”

B.   The Executive Committee shall include in the written notice of the Full Committee meeting any proposal for removal of a Senate District Officer in accordance with paragraph A, abpve.  The individual concerned shall be provided a statement of the charges not less than ten days prior to such meeting, and shall be entitled to be heard in his/her own defense at the meeting considering removal.

Section 6.   VACANCIES

A.   In the event a Senate District Officer resigns, ceases to reside in the Senate District, or otherwise vacates any of the offices listed in Section 1, the Full Committee shall elect a replacement for the balance of that officer’s unexpired term at the next special or regular meeting following the announcement of such vacancy.  The call for the meeting at which said election will be held shall be sent at least ten days prior to the meeting and shall specify the office(s) to be filled and the name(s) of any person(s) declaring their candidacy for such office(s).

B.   During the interim period between vacancy and election of a replacement, the Executive Committee may appoint a temporary replacement.  The Executive Committee shall, as promptly as possible, appoint a temporary replacement for the office of Treasurer in order to conduct the financial business of the Senate District as required by law.



Section 1. MEMBERSHIP - The Senate District 50 Executive Committee shall consist of the

following persons:

A.   The elected Senate District Officers, all of whom shall be voting members.

B.   Two immediate Past Co-Chairs, serving in an ex officio, non-voting capacity, for one year, to be available to advise the next set of Co-Chairs.

C.   Not more than four additional non-voting members serving in such capacities as Fundraising Chair, Standing Bylaws Committee Chair, etc. appointed by and serving at the pleasure of the Senate District Co-Chairs, and subject to ratification by the Executive Committee.

Section 2.   MEETINGS

A.   The Executive Committee shall hold at least six regular meetings a year. No more than one regular meeting shall be held in any calendar month.  Special meetings may be called by either Senate District Co-Chair, provided that at least two days’ notice thereof has been given by telephone, mail, email or fax.  Meetings and participation may take place via electronic conferencing.  No proxy voting will be allowed.

B.   In the event it is determined an emergency exists, an impromptu meeting may be called at the request of either Co-Chair or of 50% of the voting Executive Committee for the sole purpose of dealing with the subject of emergency.  The meeting may be as described in paragraph A, above, but upon determination of the need for an emergency meeting, all notification requirements will be waived.  A quorum, as described in Section 3 of this Article IV, must still exist.

Section 3.   QUORUM

A.   The quorum required to transact business at Executive Committee meetings shall be fifty percent of the total current voting membership of the Executive Committee.

B.   Once a quorum has been established, a call for a quorum shall be out of order and business may be transacted as if a quorum still existed until the meeting is adjourned by the Chair.

Section 4.    DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES - The duties and responsibilities of the Executive Committee are to:

A.   Administer the affairs of the party within the Senate District and to execute its programs subject to the direction of this Senate District’s Conventions and the Senate District Full Committee.

B.   Consult, train and advise the precinct officers and to fill precinct officer vacancies in accordance with Article V, Section 6.

C.   Prepare an annual budget.

D.   Establish the committees required by these Bylaws, and, as needed, a Search Committee for political candidates and governmental appointees.

E.  Help coordinate and assist in the campaigns for election of endorsed Republican candidates.

F.   Help the precinct organizations recruit and train volunteers. 

G.   Initiate the procedures set forth in these Bylaws for the removal of any person from party office or committee membership.

H.   Appoint the allotted representatives from Senate District 50 to serve as members on Third and Fifth Congressional District Committees (full and/or convention committees). These allotted representatives shall include the Senate District Chairs and may be subject to ratification by the Senate District Full Committee.



Section 1.    OFFICIAL PRECINCT CAUCUS - As prescribed by state law, precinct caucuses shall be held every general election year.  The notice of the caucus shall be delivered to the county auditor at least twenty days before the precinct caucus and published by the Senate District Co-Chairs at least six days prior to the caucus date.

Section 2.    STATUTORY PROCEDURE - The official precinct caucus shall be conducted as provided by the laws of the State of Minnesota.

Section 3.    ELECTION OF PRECINCT OFFICERS – Precinct officers shall be elected at the precinct caucus held in every general election year.  Each precinct shall elect two precinct co-chairs. Additionally, it is recommended that at least two vice-chairs be elected to assist with the duties described in Section 4 below.

Section 4.    DUTIES OF PRECINCT OFFICERS - It shall be the responsibility of the precinct officers to organize the precinct, recruit and direct volunteers, conduct voter surveys, conduct voter registration programs, assist in fundraising and other authorized finance drives, get out the Republican vote, and to accomplish such tasks as may be assigned to them by or through the Senate District organization.


A.   A precinct officer may be removed from office for “non-performance” by the affirmative vote of at least two-thirds of the number of Full Committee members present when a quorum was established at any Full Committee meeting where that item of business has been included in the written notice of the meeting.  Conduct tending to obstruct the objectives of the Full Committee, inactivity, or failure to carry out the duties and responsibilities specified in Section 4 of this Article V shall constitute “non-performance.”

B.   The Executive Committee, if approved by sixty percent of the voting membership thereof, shall give notice of a written request for removal of a precinct officer in accordance with paragraph A hereof in the written notice of the Full Committee meeting.  The individual concerned shall be provided a statement of the charges not less than ten days prior to such meetings, and shall be entitled to be heard in his/her own defense at the meeting considering removal.

C.   Precinct officers shall not publicly support or work for any candidate opposing an endorsed Republican candidate.  The Executive Committee may remove from precinct office any person violating this paragraph who does not promptly resign.

Section 6. PRECINCT OFFICER VACANCIES - Precinct officer vacancies shall be filled within thirty days by a majority vote of the remaining precinct delegates residing in the precinct, failing which the Senate District Executive Committee may appoint a replacement at its next meeting.  Such appointment shall be subject to ratification by a majority vote of the Full Committee members present at the next regularly scheduled meeting provided that notice of the motion to ratify has been included in the call of the meeting specifying the office to be filled and the name of the appointee.  As an exception, if no precinct chair is elected by a precinct at the official precinct caucus, the Senate District Executive Committee may appoint a precinct chair prior to the next Senate District Convention.




Section 1.   TIME AND PLACE - A Senate District Convention shall be held annually within a time frame designated by either the Third Congressional District Executive Committee or the State Executive Committee at a time and place determined by the Senate District Executive Committee.

Section 2.   DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES - The Senate District Convention shall be composed of the delegates and alternates elected at the last precinct caucus who continue to reside in the precinct from which elected and as allotted to the precinct by the Full Committee.  These delegates and alternates shall also serve as delegates and alternates to their respective House District There shall be no cross-seating of delegates and/or alternates between precincts.

Section 3.   PRE-CONVENTION COMMITTEES - Prior to each Convention, the Senate District Executive Committee shall establish rules, resolutions, credentials, registration and such other committees as may be deemed necessary, composed of delegates or alternates to the Senate District Convention.  Each committee shall consist of no fewer than three persons from each House District plus a Chair from either House District, except for the Delegate Nominating Committee described in Section 7 and the Officer Nominating Committee and Candidate Search Committee, which shall be constituted and function as described below:

A.   OFFICER NOMINATING COMMITTEE – The Officer Nominating Committee membership shall be constituted as described in Article III, Section 3.  All persons wishing to run for election to the Senate District Executive Committee shall interview with the Officer Nominating Committee.  Any person wishing to be considered for nomination as a State Central Delegate shall present themself to the Officer Nominating Committee prior to the Convention, with any exception to this at the discretion of the Officer Nominating Committee.

B.  REPORT OF THE OFFICER NOMINATING COMMITTEE CHAIR – The Chair of the Officer Nominating Committee shall give a report of the Committee to the Convention.  The Chair shall place in nomination, for Senate District Executive Committee, and for State Central Committee Delegate, those persons who have been vetted by the Officer Nominating Committee.  Nominations from the floor shall not be in order.

C.  CANDIDATE SEARCH COMMITTEE – Prior to each convention to consider endorsement of candidates, the Senate District Executive Committee shall establish a Candidate Search Committee.  The Candidate Search Committee shall consist of no fewer than three persons from each House District plus a Chair from either House District.  All persons wishing to seek endorsement for elected office shall interview with the Candidate Search Committee.

D.  REPORT OF THE CANDIDATE SEARCH COMMITTEE – The Chair of the Candidate Search Committee shall give a report of the Committee to the Convention.  Only candidates who have interviewed with the Committee shall have their names placed in nomination.  Nominations from the floor, of persons who have not interviewed with the Committee, shall not be in order.  The Chair shall indicate those candidates who have been identified as qualified to seek endorsement for election.

Section 4.   PERMANENT ENDORSING RULES - The Senate District reserves the right not to be bound by any permanent endorsing convention rules adopted by the Third or Fifth Congressional District.

Section 5.   CONVENTION BUSINESS - The Convention shall transact such business as is specified by the laws of Minnesota, and in the call of the convention, and may transact such other business as may properly be brought before the convention.  In general, the objectives of the Senate District Convention shall be as follows:

A.   In even-numbered years, to endorse candidates for public office, consider resolutions on party and governmental matters, and elect delegates and alternates to the Third and Fifth Congressional District and State Conventions.

B.   In odd-numbered years, to elect Senate District officers and nominate State Central Committee Delegates and Alternates.  Following redistricting, officers shall be elected as prescribed in Article III, Section 2.

Section 6.   NOMINATION OF STATE CENTRAL COMMITTEE DELEGATES AND ALTERNATES - Following recommendations by the Officer Nominating Committee established pursuant to Article III, Section 3, the Senate District Convention held in odd-numbered years shall nominate State Central Committee Delegates, and first, second and third Alternates.  The current SD Co-Chairs shall be considered to be elected as State Central Committee Delegates, to their home Congressional District, by virtue of their office, while they hold that office.  The Senate District Convention secretary shall submit and certify the names of said nominees to the Third and Fifth Congressional District Conventions prior to the holding thereof.


A.  The Senate District Convention held after the precinct caucuses in even-numbered years shall be charged with the responsibility of nominating delegates and alternates to  the Third and Fifth Congressional District and State Conventions.  A list of delegates and alternates for such conventions shall be recommended to the Senate District Convention by a delegate nominating committee chaired by an appointee of the Executive Committee and consisting of the newly elected precinct Chairs or their designees and the Senate District Executive Committee. Caucus attendees should have information made available to them, verbally and in writing, that their newly elected precinct chairs will be involved in nominating the CD and State Delegates and Alternates, so that any who are interested can contact their precinct chairs to let them know if they want to be considered for nomination. Caucus attendees should also have information made available about factors that the Delegate Nominating Committee will consider for inclusion on this list which may include experience and past participation in the Senate District and commitment to attend the relevant convention. The delegate nominating committee shall select the recommended list of delegates and alternates at least ten days before the Senate District Convention and such list will be in the form of a committee report.  Factors that the delegate nominating committee will consider for inclusion on this list include experience and past participation in the Senate District and commitment to attend and participate at the relevant convention.  At least one delegate or one first alternate to the State Convention, and at least one delegate or one first alternate to the Third or Fifth Congressional District Conventions shall be nominated from each precinct located within that Congressional District.

B.  The delegates and alternates allocated to the Senate District for each of said Conventions shall be elected at the Senate District Convention.

Section 8.   VOTING - There shall be no voting by proxy, bullet ballot, or unit rule.  The convention rules shall provide that once balloting in a contested election has commenced by distribution of ballots to the precincts and before announcement of the results of that ballot to the convention, motions of no-endorsement, to table, to postpone indefinitely, to adjourn, or the like shall be out of order.

Section 9.   SPECIAL CONVENTIONS - Special conventions, including post-primary endorsement conventions, may be held at such time and for such purposes as the Senate District Executive Committee may determine.

Section 10.  ENDORSEMENT - The endorsement of a candidate for public office must receive at least sixty percent of the voting strength as reported by the final report of the credentials committee.

Section 11.  SEATING OF ALTERNATES AT THE THIRD AND FIFTH CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT CONVENTIONS AND STATE CONVENTION - Any unfilled delegate seat at the Third and Fifth Congressional District Conventions and the State Convention will be filled, first, from first alternates who are available, and then from second alternates who are available.  This seating of alternates will be at the discretion of the Senate District Co-Chairs in attendance.  In the case of a Congressional District in which neither Senate District Co-Chair lives, one or two of the delegates to that Convention will be authorized by the Senate District Co-Chairs to act on their behalf for the purpose of seating alternates.  A registered delegate always has priority seating over an alternate.



Section 1.    STANDING BYLAWS COMMITTEE - Following their election, the Senate District Co-Chairs, with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee, shall appoint seven members to a Standing Bylaws Committee.  The membership of this committee shall consist of three persons from each House District and a Chair from either House District, all of whom shall be appointed from the precinct delegates and alternates to the Senate District Convention.  Members of the Standing Bylaws Committee shall serve until they are no longer a delegate or alternate to the Senate District Convention, no longer reside in the Senate District, resign, or are otherwise replaced at the pleasure of the Senate District Co-Chairs with the advice and consent of the Executive Committee.  The Chair of the Standing Bylaws Committee shall be appointed a non-voting member of the Executive Committee subject to the provisions of Article IV, Section 1, C, of these Bylaws.

Section 2.    FUNCTION OF BYLAWS COMMITTEE - The function of the Standing Bylaws Committee shall be to maintain a continual review of these provisions and to recommend to the Senate District Convention or the Full Committee such changes as may be considered advisable.  It shall meet and review these Bylaws commencing at least forty-five days before the Senate District Convention held in odd-numbered years, and otherwise from time to time as called upon by the Executive Committee.

Section 3. AMENDMENTS BY SENATE DISTRICT 50 CONVENTION - These Bylaws may be amended by sixty percent of the voting strength as reported by the final report of the credentials committee, provided that any proposal for amendment shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee at least forty-five days prior to the Convention.  Written notice of any such proposal or its general nature shall be given to the Convention delegates and alternates at least twenty days prior to the Convention

Section 4. AMENDMENTS BY SENATE DISTRICT 50 FULL COMMITTEE -These Bylaws may be amended by sixty percent of the votes cast at a Full Committee meeting, provided that any proposal for amendment shall be referred to the Bylaws Committee at least forty-five days prior to the Full Committee meeting. Written notice of any such proposal or its general nature shall be given to the Full Committee at least twenty days prior to the Full Committee meeting.

v.3 Final 3-12-22  Adopted March 4, 2023