Caucus is Coming Feb 25

footer_logo.jpgPlease plan to attend your local caucus February 25, 2020 at 7 PM. Registration opens at 6:15 PM.

Residents in precincts within Senate District 49 will caucus in one of two locations:

Bloomington  Republicans will caucus with their precincts at Thomas Jefferson High School, 4001 W 102nd St, Bloomington. Note that SD50 Republicans will also caucus here.

Edina, Eden Prairie, and Minnetonka Republicans who reside within Senate District 49 will caucus at South View Middle School, 4725 Southview Lane, Edina.

Volunteers are still needed to serve as Greeters, both in the main lobby to help attendees find their correct meeting room, and also to coordinate precinct sign-ins within each room. All volunteers (Greeters, Caucus Conveners, Caucus Secretaries) must attend a training session

UPDATED TRAINING INFORMATION AS OF 2/5/2020 - revised location for Edina, training is 2 hours

Volunteers from Bloomington (both SD49 and SD50) will train at Jefferson High School Media Room, either Saturday February 8, 9-11 AM or Thursday February 13, 7 – 9 PM. Please contact Vince Riehm  to indicate interest and let him know which training you’ll attend.

Volunteers from Edina/Eden Prairie/Minnetonka will train at the South View Cafeteria (parking lot by Concord, Door 2), either Thursday February 6, 7 - 9 PM or Saturday February 15, 9 – 11 AM. At South View park in the lot between South View and Concord Elementary. Enter Door 2 to find the Cafeteria. Please contact Wayne Wenger  to indicate interest and let him know which training you’ll attend.

Why attend the Caucus?

Good government starts with you. The Caucus is an opportunity for area residents to show their support for Republican principles. There is too much at stake this year to be spectators. If conservatives and Republicans are going to return fiscal responsibility to the State Legislature, we must begin now.

The future of our Party and nation belongs to those who show up. And if you want to see a change in our Party or our candidates, precinct caucuses are your chance to stand up and be heard. Don’t miss your chance to make a difference.


Tuesday, February 25th, 2020

6:15 pm Registration opens.  Traffic may be congested and parking at caucus locations may be limited.  Caucus participants should arrive at or soon after 6:15 pm to locate their caucus rooms and register. 

7:00 pm Caucuses convene.  It is important that all be present before caucus begins.

Expected completion, approximately 8:30 PM.

What is a Caucus?

A caucus is a neighborhood meeting and the first step in Minnesota's 2020 election! 

A big part of the evening is the chance to meet your Republican neighbors.  People a lot like you, who really care about the future our local community, state, and country and know the power we have together to effect change and get good Republican candidates elected.

Caucus is the beginning.  Invite your neighbors and show up with the intention to get involved helping to organize and encourage the Republican community and cause in your immediate area.  Together we can win.

Our Minnesota Secretary of State office provides further general information about Minnesota caucuses:  CLICK HERE 

No cost to attend your caucus. Donations will be requested/accepted to cover building rental and printing.

Who can participate in a Republican caucus:

  • Must be eligible to vote. You do not need to be registered to vote, but you must be eligible to vote, including being 18 years old or older, on Election Day, November 3, 2020. You must live in the precinct in which you are caucusing.
  • Agree with the principles of the Republican Party.  If you agree with the general principles of the Republican Party and will vote for Republicans or the Republican nominee in the upcoming election, you can participate.
  • Willing to attend in person, There's no absentee or drive-by option for Republican caucus goers.  You'll need to come to your neighborhood's (precinct's) meeting room, sign-in (i.e., register for caucus) and attend in person.

Observers: May attend

  • To watch, not participate in activities or straw polls.
  • e.g., children, News reporters/Press, those not from our SD, those not eligible to vote on November 3, 2020.

What’s my Precinct?

Now is a good time to verify the number of your precinct.  CLICK HERE and use your address to find your precinct number.