2021 Minnetonka Candidates

Click on link after the candidate's name for additional information.  Links to candidate information are provided by candidates.

Minnetonka Mayor

Brad Wiersum – Brad Wiersum for Mayor
John Kuhl -- Minnetonka Mayor | John Kuhl for City of Minnetonka Mayor | Minnetonka

Minnetonka City Council Seat A

Karen Ahlbrecht – not available
Deb Calvert – Deb Calvert for Minnetonka City Council - Home
Marshall Glynn -- Marshall Glynn for Minnetonka City Council (votemarshallglynn.com)
Iola Kostrzewski -- iola4minnetonkacouncil.com
Wyn Ray -- Wyn Ray for Minnetonka City Council (votewynray.com)

Minnetonka City Council Seat B

Stacy Cranbrook -- Stacy Cranbrook for Minnetonka City Council (votestacycranbrook.com)
Jim Hadley – not available
Daniel Kral – Dan Kral for Minnetonka City Council (votedankral.com)
Ash Patel – not available
Kimberly Wilburn – Kimberly Wilburn for Minnetonka City Council – We can do better together (kimberlycaresmn.com)

Minnetonka School Board (ISD 276)

Patrick Lee-O’Halloran -- (20+) Patrick Lee-O'Halloran for Minnetonka School Board | Facebook
Dan Olson – Dan Olson for Minnetonka School Board
Jessica Reader -- Home | Jessica Reader for Minnetonka Schools
Michael Remucal – Remucal for Tonka School Board (drmikeforschoolboard.org)
Beth Robertson-Martin – (20+) Beth Robertson-Martin | Facebook
Michael Salyards -- Michael Salyards for School Board
Meghan Selinger – www.electmeghanselinger.com 
Christian Vitale – www.ReElectChrisVitale.com

Please note that some Minnetonka residents live in the Hopkins School District (ISD 270).  Information on the candidates running for the Hopkins School Board can be found under "Hopkins".

Meet an Exciting New Minnetonka City Council Candidate:

Cranbrook.jpegStacy Cranbrook: At Large Candidate for Seat B

"I will be the voice of common sense and reason to encourage positive change and growth within our city, while preserving and protecting what we have already created and love about Minnetonka."

"I am running for City Council to protect the Minnetonka we all know and love.  Change is inevitable, however we need change with common sense.  As your council member, I will strive to protect what we have already established as a community and make sound & thoughtful decisions with any new changes coming our way."

Minnetonka League of Women Voters Candidate Forums

School Board, City Council and Mayoral Candidates will answer voter questions in the Minnetonka City Chambers. School Board Candidates will talk 6PM to 7:30 PM, and Candidates for City Council and Mayor from 8:00 PM to 9:30 PM. The LWV Minnetonka Eden Prairie Hopkins Chapter will accept questions on their website [email protected] starting September 1. Attendees will also have a chance to submit questions on site before the forum starts. The meeting will be available for viewing afterwards via video on www.lwvmeph.org.

Wednesday, September 22, 2021
6 PM - 9:30 PM

Minnetonka City Hall
14600 Minnetonka Blvd
Council Chambers
Minnetonka, MN  5534